Artificial Intelligence
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.NET Framework
Check out new features in C# 7.0: pattern matching, tuple enhances, local functions, deconstruction, and literal improvements.
Bojan Ugrica | Friday, May 5, 2017
Everybody talks about Internet of things, smart devices, and smart home. If you want to make your own home automation system, check out this brief …
Ivan Cagalj | Thursday, Apr 20, 2017
Extend the XML IntelliSense feature of Monaco Editor with custom completion item provider.
Ivana Simic | Tuesday, Apr 11, 2017
ASP.NET Core came around as a new technology having Dependency Injection concept built in, so let's dive in to see how it works.
Helena Stjepanovic | Wednesday, Mar 15, 2017
A look at security when designing a web application based on Angular.
Dominik Crnojevac | Monday, Mar 13, 2017
Intro to Google Maps JavaScript API: initialization, custom styling, drawing, markers, info window, and geocoding service.
David Gostinski | Wednesday, Feb 22, 2017
Model binding is a process of mapping data sent from the browser in an HTTP request to action method parameters. It makes it easier to work with data …
Kristijan Popic | Thursday, Feb 9, 2017
Never heard of Azure Resource Manager? It's time to learn how to create standardized and repeatable deployment process on Microsoft Azure.
Slaven Vladisavljevic | Friday, Jan 27, 2017
In software development, a design pattern is a reusable solution, description or a template for solving problems. Unit of work is one of them - a …
Ante Ljubic | Friday, Jan 13, 2017
You've never used it, never heard of it, don't know how it works? It seems like the right time to introduce yourself to print CSS.
Pavle Vlainic | Thursday, Dec 8, 2016
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