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All posts tagged with "devops".

How to set up a web application in a high availability scenario on Windows using PostgreSQL, Patroni and Redis.

Denis Susac | Thursday, May 18, 2023

Enter the world of Onions! Find out more on TOR itself, its philosophy and network design. Comparison with VPNs and usage guide with tips are …

David Petric | Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020

Recently, I was working a lot with several VM's (running Windows 2012 R2) on Hyper-V host and I noticed some weird network latency issues.

Ivan Kalafatic | Friday, Feb 7, 2020

During this year, I had to upgrade (migrate) several PostgreSQL servers. In order to reduce room for error (remember Murphy's law), I wrote this blog …

Ivan Kalafatic | Monday, Nov 11, 2019

In some of our previous articles, we utilized BUS systems on some old ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) cars using serial communication to upgrade …

Mario Madzar | Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

In this blog post, I won’t talk about JavaScript, C#, or ASP.NET. Instead, I’ll go a level (or two) _lower_ and talk about good old Nixie tubes and …

Ivan Kalafatic | Monday, Aug 27, 2018

A real-life story on how we discovered a major security flaw in the online banking system of one of our nation's biggest financial institutions and …

Ivan Kalafatic | Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Multiple configurations in VS projects are important for big projects. Having to change and maintain configuration files can be a nightmare if done …

Igor Drazic | Friday, Sep 8, 2017

In one of our previous articles, we used Raspberry Pi to upgrade media player in the car. This time we'll use it to make a true IoT device.

Mario Madzar | Friday, Jun 16, 2017

With credit card-sized computers being widely available, putting one in a car and using it as a media player becomes pretty easy. That way we can …

Mario Madzar | Thursday, Dec 1, 2016