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All posts tagged with "outsourcing".

Advice on successfully managing a software development team working for your company in an offshore environment.

Ivona Cipar | Sunday, Mar 19, 2023

Why choose to outsource your work to a software development company instead of hiring a freelancer.

Ivona Cipar | Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023

How to mitigate the risks associated with outsourcing software development and identify a risk-free potential partner.

Ivona Cipar | Monday, Jan 23, 2023

Why outsourcing might still be the best option to deal with a shortage of tech professionals, even while a wave of layoffs is impacting the industry …

Ivona Cipar | Thursday, Jan 19, 2023

Defining relationship- and location-based software development outsourcing models, and providing sound advice on how to choose the best option.

Ivona Cipar | Thursday, Jan 5, 2023